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About Us

Since our founding in 1990, we have dedicated ourselves to providing the highest quality embroidered products in the industry. This means having a highly trained, knowledgeable staff, the latest equipment, and staying on top of the latest industry and fashion trends.it also means providing unparalleled service for you. We like to think of ourselves as your partner in the embroidery business. We gauge our success by your success. Our team of dedicated professionals stands prepared to do whatever is necessary to make sure you are successful.

PERMA-TEX is prepared to provide your business with unparalleled customer support anything that helps make selling your customer easier. We are happy to provide embroidered and product samples and thread charts. we can also bring you into the plant for tours and systematically explain each step in our high quality embroidery process.Give us a try on your next embroidery order. You won't be disappointed.Call (305) 592-4242 to talk with one of our embroidery experts. You can also Fax or Email the artworks and we get back ASP.

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Last modified: September 15, 2000